“Intercession concept in the qur'an and its comparison of popular understanding ”
Mohaded Yilmaz
Abstract Of Title
Intercession phenomenon was existed in the Pre-Islamic era?s culture and religion invarious ways, which is one of the important concepts that Qur?an reveals.In the process of revelation for the intercession in the Qur?an, firstly wrong(unacceptable) understanding of intercession, which was very important place for theirfollowers? belief during the time of revelation, was denied after that, basic principles of realunderstanding of intercession were manifested within the Qur?anic style.Because of the presence of some verses in the Qur?an to be commented eitherexistence or the absence of the intercession different views were emerged. In order to reach tothe understanding of intercession that the Qur?an anticipated, consideration the reason ofrevelation of those verses related to intercession and total assessment are requiredEvaluation of the concept by Islamic Sects has been effective within the frameworkof general principles and assessment with a narrow point of view in the emerging of beliefrejecting and accepting the concept of intercession in the history of Islamic idea. Diverseviews about intercession emergent in the past reflected upon today?s Moslem? faith.This research showed the presence of both views rejecting and accepting the conceptof intercession today. Controversial rumours about the subject were very effective inemerging the different understandings of views out of Qur?anic verses. Moreover, it wasfound that the society has not enough and right knowledge about intercession.Consequently, as far as understood from the Qur?an and the hadith there is no doubtthat intercession will be accomplished in the hereafter but within the boundary and thestandards that Allah lay down upon for all mankind. No one can perform intercession exceptAllah and those who are permitted by Allah. Therefore, the only authority for intercession isthe Allah. The format of the intercession seems to be an ?award ceremony? to convey thegood news of forgiveness and mercy of Allah by means of distinct individual for those whogained permission and Allah?s consent.
Information Of Title
Lnaguage: Turkish - Type: Thesis - Number of pages: 184 - Date: 2006 - Country: TR