Informal İslamic religious education in Azzerbaijan: Example of summer quranic courses of Zakatala and Balaken regions

“Informal İslamic religious education in Azzerbaijan: Example of summer quranic courses of Zakatala and Balaken regions”


Abstract Of Title

This study is a field study, aiming to identify the current problems of teaching the Quran in the summer Quranic courses of Zakatala and Balaken regions in Azerbaijan and aims to offer a solution. The essential methods of this research are questionnaire, observation and interview.The research consists of introduction, two chapters, and conclusion. The introduction presents technical information, about the research. In the first chapter, the legal framework of the state-religion relations in Azerbaijan, after the independence are studied. The next chapter which is the basis of this research, focuses firstly on the educational activities in the mosques that are the significant elements of the informal Islamic religious education in Zakatala and Balaken regions of Azerbaijan, secondly on the comments and findings of the research and lastly on the evaluation of the aforementioned education in terms of individual, society and the science of Religious Education. In the conclusion, the comments on the findings and a number of suggestions for the research to attention of the authorities. Finally, the examples of the questionnaires, utilized in the research and the permission letter from the Religious Committee are supplied.In the result of the research, it is assessed that the physical and educational levels of the summer Quranic courses in Zakatala and Balaken are inadequate with regards to the classrooms, training tools and education materials and that a considerable number of training teachers do not have a pedagogical background, in spite of the high interest level of the students. Key Words: Azerbaijan, Zakatala and Balaken, Summer Quranic Courses, Informal Religious Education, Field Study, Religious Education in Azerbaijan.

Information Of Title

Lnaguage: Turkish - Type: Thesis - Number of pages: 227 - Date: 2013 - Country: TR

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