“Societies' reactions to leaders in Quran ”
Abstract Of Title
God determined multiple ways of relationships for individuals and societies to enable them reach the happiness of world and after-life and protect them from potential hazards throughout the history of humanity. And, maintaining these relations could be possible by means of several leaders who direct the society mainly prophets. Our thesis researches the societies' reactions to these leaders in Quran within the context of these leaders' relationship with the society. Our thesis consists of an introduction and three chapters. The introduction part addresses subject, purpose, method, studies done in this regard and concepts in relation to our subject such as society and leaders. The first chapter analyses concepts such as imam, sultan, meliq in Quran, positive and negative, prophet and non-prophet leader types. The second chapter deals with the concepts which refer to group and community in Quran and types of community in religious, political, ethnic and socioeconomic terms. The third chapter, on the other hand, investigates the religious, political and legal demands of the leaders that constitute the main subject of our thesis from the communities, positive or negative reactions shown by the communities to these demands, religious, political, economic, psychological, moral and psychological reasons of these reactions and the consequences of the reactions. Societies' reactions to leaders have been analyzed in terms of their way and reasons and society psychology has been attempted to be determined and assessments have been made on the principles and methods at the point of what kind of an attitude leaders will have towards this society psychology. Attention has been drawn to how contemporary societies can have lesson from the negative results experienced due to negative reactions shown and which mistakes they could prevent and on the other hand positive results and gains provided by the positive reactions to the societies. Keywords: Quran, Society, Leader, Reaction.
Information Of Title
Lnaguage: Turkish - Type: Thesis - Number of pages: 476 - Date: 2014 - Country: TR