The process of differentiation in linguistic exegesis (Example of the exegesis of Jārullah az-Zamakhsharī called al-Kashshāf)

“The process of differentiation in linguistic exegesis (Example of the exegesis of Jārullah az-Zamakhsharī called al-Kashshāf)”


Abstract Of Title

Linguistic exegesis has a significant impact on understanding the Qur'ān aright. For that reason, this kind of exegetical activities had started very early on, and has claimed its influence through the modern times. During the course of these long process linguistic exegesis activities witnessed many different changes and transformations, and gave many invaluable works as outputs. In this context, putting forward a model of periodization for these changes and transformations become more of an issue in terms of examining general methodology and contents of these works and both determining the scientific improvement within the activities of linguistic exegesis. Although many works written in this field and many of the works written in the field of linguistic exegesis studied widely, a model of periodization for this long period of time is not yet put forth. This study, aiming at bridging this gap, comes up with a model of periodization. In line with this aim, it is tried to compare and contrast the early prominent works within the activities of linguistic exegesis. Then, in transition to the subsequent linquistic exegesis activities the importance of al-Zamakhsharī's al-Kashshāf was revealed and existing differentation axes tried to be put forward. During the selection of the subject work, the work's place within the history of exegesis and its visible impacts on many of the other works throughout the whole literature of the exegesis, played a pivotal role. Still, factors caused differentiation were listed individually as well. After giving main information about the leading works in the post-Zamakhsharī period, the history of linguistic exegesis was divided into three main periods: the pre-Zamakhsharī period, i.e. classical period; Zamakhsharīan period, i.e. transformative period and lastly the post-Zamakhsharī period, i.e. modern period.

Information Of Title

Lnaguage: Turkish - Type: Thesis - Number of pages: 293 - Date: 2019 - Country: TR

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