The omoum and khosous in terms of quran commnetary: Example in Tabari's tafsir

“The omoum and khosous in terms of quran commnetary: Example in Tabari's tafsir”


Abstract Of Title

The Tafsir of Ibn-ı Jarir at-Tabarî (death 310/923) called Jamiu'l-Bayan on Ta'wili Ayi'l-Quran is the one book which has the Tafsir haritage of the İslam's fırst three centuries. The author's original commentaries, when he makes ta'wil, on the sections (ayat) is one of the important objects that creates him in heads' of the researchers and also readers', indispensible. As a sueccessful commentator, Tabari, as he comments, on sections of Quran and at fırst hand when he uses the norms of Quran, sunnah, ijmâ at the same time. It is also dispensible that the terms of omoum-khosous. For the fact that the omoum-khosous rules have become one of the important subjects which we found out in the following times. Our work which is on the rules of omoum-khosous was evaluated in the frame of Tafsir Methodology, and later become a source for a lot of Tafsir works. To sum up our thesis the part of is made up of entrarce, two sects and finish. In the entrance the content, importance of the subject, his choice, its method, its goal, and the method that followed to search, had given some informations. In the fırst part shortly, had given some informations about the historical process of Tafsir, and his method of Tafsir. The fırst part also includes the theoric side of our study. The kinds of omoum-khosous have evaluated according to the Quran's general expressions, and later the related terms were examined as the rules of Tafsir. The second part includes the practical side of our study. The sections related to the omoum-khosous in which Tabari's Tafsir called Jamiu'l-Bayan on Ta'wil-i Ayi'l-Quran, examined according to the author's choice and judgement as the categories. And also Tabari's choices that related to rules of omoum-khosous compared to other commentators' comments. At the end it is examined the important results and the importance of the omoum-khosous rule.

Information Of Title

Lnaguage: Turkish - Type: Thesis - Number of pages: 258 - Date: 2019 - Country: TR

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