Abstract Of Title
When we consider the issue at the level of ideas, evolutionist view or Darwinism isnot anissuesuggestedbyWesternscientists.Darwin,hisgrandfather,andLamarck'sviewof evolution is a subject that has been discussed mainly by Islamic scholars.Islamicintellectualshavedealtwithevolutionmuchearlierthaninthecontextofcreation withexpressionssuchas“irtiqa“,“tacitîd”,“istihâle”,“fluentwisdom”,“divinewisdom” and “divine grace”. Some Islamic intellectuals such as İhvânu's-Safâ and Ibn Miskeveyh (d.1030),Shahristani(d.1153),Baghdadi(d.1166),whichemergedaftertheXthcentury, had their views on evolution as “the emergence of subspecies derived from the main species, although it reminds the family tree created by the proponents to show that all living things are descended from a parent (common ancestor), it is mainly revealed as a feature of creation in This respect, the understanding of Islamic thought and evolution that emerged in in the XIXth century differs from one another. As for the century XIV, we see that Ibn Khaldun, one of the Islamic scholars of that period, again discussed the subject of creation and evolution. When Ibn Khaldun's views on evolution about Mukaddime in his work translated into western languages in the 19th century, Ibn Khaldun and Mukkadime became known to the whole world. Ibn Khaldun, who is regarded as the pioneer of manyfields, is understood to have influenced evolutionists in the Western world with his evolutionist view. Therefore, Lamarck, Darwin, Wallace, and Spencerand so on it cannot be a coincidence that evolutionistsemerge with the view of evolution. It is not known whether this idea was stolen from Islamic intellectuals, but “the theory of evolution is nothing more than a product of paradigms in the nineteenth century, mainly in the philosophical, scientific, theological, political and sociological environment inEngland.
Keywords: Qur’an, Islam,Islamic Scholars, Creation, Evolutionary Perspective.
Information Of Title
Lnaguage: Turkish - Type: Research - Number of pages: 61-76 - Date: 2020 - Country: TR