Icaza of Quran opinion of Fahreddin al-Razi in the context of prophethood proof

“Icaza of Quran opinion of Fahreddin al-Razi in the context of prophethood proof”


Abstract Of Title

Being Messenger of Allah is one of the main issues of Kalam. Muslim scholars think miracles are necessary for being messenger of Allah. The Qur'an mentions that there are some sensuous miracles belonging to the previous prophets. The proof of the messenger of Allah: Muhammad (p.b.u.h.) is the Qur'an which is a mystical miracle. The Qur'an challenges the Arab society to reveal a similarity in which they are descended. This challenge continued in the following periods as it was made to the Mecca's polytheists in that century. This challenge of the Qur'an has not found an answer neither in the century nor in later periods. This case is considered to be the greatest evidence of Muhammad's being messenger of Allah. When given the universal nature of messenger of Allah: Mohammad's dignity, it is a necessity for God's wisdom to appeal to all time and lands, as well as the constantness of his miracles. The fact that the prophecy of the previous messengers of Allah are limited to a society or lands has also brought with it historical. Islamic scholars who investigated the reasons for not responding to the challenge of the Qur'an have argued over the direction of many icaza. Râzi, who thinks that Qur'an can not be opposed because of its superiornature, also studied the works of Abdulkahir Cürcânî who lived before him and explained them as a separate work in a more systematic way. Fahreddin er-Râzi is an important name for discussing the views of various members of the sect by the time he lived. Râzî who also sought the other icaza aspects of Qur'an in the Qur'an again and he claimed that the Qur'an's literature and grammar were superior that anybody could form. Along with this claim, he rejected the theory of sarfah, which was brought to the agenda by Mu'tazila scholar Nazzam. The Qur'an is the miracle of Messenger of Allah: Mohammad and the proof of his being messenger of Allah. Miracle is the unique meaning of the Qur'an's words. Other aspects of the Qur'an that are said about the Qur'an are not merely the direction of an icaza, but the complement of literature. Key Words: Râzî, Miracle, Icaza, Theory of Sarfah, Challenge, Tehaddi.

Information Of Title

Lnaguage: Turkish - Type: Thesis - Number of pages: 228 - Date: 2017 - Country: TR

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